Postman v2 SLAs

1. What is Postman v2’s uptime?

  • Postman aims to have an uptime of >99.5%. We have internal services to monitor Postman uptime 24/7. These services send alerts if the product is down to the engineer-on-call, so that we can respond as soon as possible.

  • If you are unable to access Postman services and would like to check if it is due to an unplanned downtime, check our status page here.

2. Any maintenance downtime for Postman v2?

  • No, we will inform all users if there is going to be a scheduled downtime.

3. How long can I expect a reply for my queries?

  • We will get back to you on your form submissions within 5 working days.

  • Please ensure your requests are submitted via this form, rather than through emailing the team, as emails are likely to be missed during this time.

4. What’s the SMS throughput rate?

  • We have a WOG throughput rate that is not agency specific. Be rest assured that we can handle the load. SMSes are expected to be sent almost immediately, or up to 3-5 minutes if there are many in the queue from WOG.

  • Please use this testing period to ensure that your systems are similarly able to handle the load before calling Postman’s API.

  • If you would like to do load testing, please let us know in advance so we can schedule a specific date and time in May

Last updated