IP Address related inquiries

  1. What is Postman’s IP address?

    • We do not provide our IP address, you can whitelist our domain name. If you really need our IP address, you can resolve the domain to find the IP address, but you will be responsible for updating it if it changes.

  2. Does Postman allow me to bulk upload our IP addresses?

    • No, you will need to upload them individually.

  3. What IP can be whitelisted (Internal or public)?

    • Static Public IP address, do note that you will be calling our API endpoints using this IP address that you have whitelisted.

  4. When do we submit our IP addresses for whitelisting?

    • This will be done in the campaign creation flow. Refer to our API documents for more information.

  5. Does postman accept whitelisting of CIDR blocks?

    • No, you need to whitelist individual IP addresses. You can whitelist up to 10 IP address on the admin portal, if you need to whitelist more than 20 IP address, please reach out to us.

  6. Is whitelisting the source IP address sufficient for us to use Postman to send out SMSes?

    • Yes. In addition, you will only be able to obtain your API keys after you have whitelisted your IP address. Read here for more info.

  7. Is there any firewall that we need to open to allow our API gateway to reach postman API gateway ?

    • You will need to whitelist your IP addresses with us before you can obtain the API keys for integration.

  8. Is there any throttling set for Postman?

    • No.

  9. How many officers own a single campaign? Can we have more than 1 admin in case an officer leaves the organisation?

    • Each campaign can have as many campaign admins and members, for more information please check out the admin and members page.

Last updated